What Is Gotham?

The Gotham Fellowship is a nine-month learning community designed to broaden your understanding of and deepen your connection to God’s redemptive work by applying theology, spiritual practices, and cultural renewal to your work, your relationships, and New York City.

Each class includes fellows from diverse professional and personal backgrounds. Gotham provides three foundational elements needed for integration of faith and work: theological training, spiritual and personal development, and community formation.

Applications will be available in early Spring 2025. Fill out the interest form below or contact us via email at [email protected] for more information.

Interest Form

Watch the Gotham video

Theological Training

Drawing from the deep resources of the Reformed tradition, Gotham provides fellows with a rich theological vision for life and work. It fosters a commitment to consider how the gospel impacts every area of life, from personal relationships to the diverse culture of New York City, featuring:

  • A robust curriculum of primary theological texts (Augustine, Calvin + more)
  • Weekly teaching from Redeemer staff and Christian leaders
  • Regular cohort-based discussion on readings and lectures
  • Engagement with the art and culture of New York City

Spiritual & Personal Development

Gotham cultivates spiritual growth that activates personal and professional development through relationships, daily practices and projects, featuring:

  • Pastoral care and mentorship throughout the program
  • Guided weekly devotional and spiritual formation practices
  • Peer-based prayer partners to walk with you through the program
  • Applied projects + exercises to apply the curriculum to life
Community Formation

Gotham provides a community of peers, from diverse backgrounds and vocations, who are committed to each other’s spiritual growth and calling to serve the common good of the city, featuring:

  • Community-based learning to process everyday life and work in the city
  • Group discussions and collaborative learning
  • Monthly dinners, outings, and social gatherings
  • Relationships with instructors, mentors, and speakers

Dates & Commitment

The Gotham Fellowship begins Labor Day Weekend and finishes a week before Memorial Day Weekend. During these nine months, Fellows meet two hours a week to discuss major texts from various eras of church history. Daily devotionals unite the group through guided scripture and other readings. Monthly Saturday gatherings provide in-depth training and city excursions. Three weekend retreats (Fall, Winter, Spring) focus on personal reflection and spiritual formation.

The tuition fee helps offset program expenses, including reading materials, weekly meetings, monthly sessions, and all three retreats. The fee is $3150 for Redeemer members, $3550 for Redeemer attendees, and $3950 for applicants from neighboring churches. Married couples receive a 50% discount. Financial aid is available via application for all prospective fellows. (If you are interested in contributing to the scholarship fund, you can do so here).

Application Process

We will begin accepting applications for the Gotham Class of 2026 in early Spring 2025. Applicants will be assessed on spiritual maturity, ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the program, and commitment to the city.


Completing our application form is the first step.

Submit Recs

You must submit both a professional and pastoral recommendation.


The admissions committee will review your application and reach out for an interview.


Decisions will be emailed, and accepted applicants will be invited to apply for financial aid.

Gotham Interest Form

Gotham Alumni

The Gotham Fellowship is a community of peers, from diverse backgrounds and vocations, who are committed to each others’ spiritual growth and calling to serve the common good of the city. Below are a few personal reflections from Gotham alumni.

Tuition Costs

The Fellows tuition fee helps offset program expenses, including reading materials, weekly meetings, monthly sessions and all three retreats.

Married couples receive a discount of 50% off each. All applicants may request financial aid and applications for financial aid will be sent out after final acceptance letters are sent.

Redeemer Member

  • For current members of any Redeemer church in New York City

Redeemer Attendee

  • For regular attendees (non-members) of any Redeemer church in New York City

Neighboring Church

  • For a member or attendee of any non-Redeemer church in New York City

Recorded Info Session from a Previous Year

Want to know more about Gotham? A couple of years ago we held a virtual Info Session. Watch the recording below.

Watch the Virtual Info Session

Gotham Instructors

A sampling of instructors that have either taught, or currently teach sessions at Gotham.


We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions questions to help you as you consider whether to apply.

We look for candidates who are eager to explore the theology, experience the spiritual practices, and develop the committed community that we believe are necessary for understanding God’s redemptive purposes for our work, relationships, and city. Ideal candidates demonstrate spiritual maturity, teachability, commitment to the nine-month program, and commitment to the city.

Gotham receives more applications each year than it has spots for fellows. We also try to diversify the class as much as possible, which means that if your industry is over-represented, it might be more competitive. We accept around 45-50 fellows each year, but this can vary.

Applications for the Class of 2026 will be available in the early Spring 2025 and will be due by the end of April. Please email us at [email protected] with any questions. 

Tuition is $3150 for Redeemer members, $3550 for Redeemer attendees, and $3950 for applicants from neighboring churches. Applications will close on April 30. 

Once applications have been approved, we require a $500 non-refundable deposit to secure your spot in the class and the rest of the tuition balance is to be paid in the Fall. The tuition covers all books, retreats, food for Saturday sessions, and operation costs to run the program.

As much as possible, we do not want financial issues to deter you from participating in the Fellowship. To that end, we are happy to offer payment plans and financial aid for those who qualify. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you have additional considerations or concerns.

Accepted candidates that need assistance are invited to apply for scholarships by filling out a financial aid form. You are able to apply for a scholarship that will cover a percentage of tuition based on need. Financial aid decisions will be released before your deposit is due. We ask for information regarding your outstanding loans, your projected annual income, and supporting documentation (W2, tax returns, or pay stubs) to determine your eligibility. Scholarships are not guaranteed.

Gotham is a very immersive experience, and should not be considered lightly. To get the most out of the experience, your attendance is expected at all weekly classes and cohort times, Saturday sessions, and retreats. Prayerfully consider whether you can commit to these weekly, monthly, and seasonal meetings.

We ask you to prayerfully consider if it would be beneficial for you and your spouse to go through Gotham together. We have had many married couples go through Gotham together and have had spouses go through Gotham in separate years. We do not provide childcare but we would love to brainstorm with you potential solutions. Please reach out to [email protected] if you would like to discuss more. Spouses will have to apply separately from one another, but will receive a 50% discount on tuition.

We accept applicants in all phases of life. We suggest that you go ahead and apply. When acceptance notices go out, you can then determine if you are able to commit to the program.

Typically Saturday sessions are from 10 am to 5 pm although this can vary depending on activity and venue.  Occasionally the Saturday session will include an evening activity (Christmas party, etc).

We understand the time pressures and work demands in a place like New York, so we do our best to cater to busy schedules. It might be best to imagine Gotham as a single college or grad school class. You will have regular weekly cohort meetings as well as classes where you discuss readings and receive instruction. We also have three retreats, several Saturday sessions, three projects, and a final commissioning event in New York.

The Center for Faith and Work is a shared ministry of the Redeemer family of churches, which are all reformed Presbyterian. This means the bulk of the curriculum is reformed in nature, but you do not have to subscribe to reformed theology in order to take part in Gotham, and many fellows come from diverse theological backgrounds. The program is designed for you to wrestle with big theological questions, so many backgrounds, perspectives, and traditions are welcome. We will not force our perspective on you. We simply ask fellows to come with a posture of humility and willingness to learn. That being said, we do expect fellows to hold to the basic tenets of Christian belief as outlined in the Apostles’ and Nicene creeds.