From Corporate Chaos to Kingdom Clarity

In three days, we’ll show you why your work in New York City matters (no job change required).

Next one coming soon…

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Want to integrate your faith & work in New York City?

Then join us for the 3-Day Faith & Work Challenge! Here's what you'll get:

  • Crucial little-known misconceptions about work (these will rob your joy in work if you don’t address them)
  • A gospel-centered theological vision for your vocation (this will transform the way you view your everyday work)
  • Common “defeaters” and obstacles that keep you from integrating your faith & your work—and how to overcome them!
  • Key practical steps to think theologically about your work and how to imagine (and enact) renewal in your industry—and city.

What to expect...

The 3-Day Faith and Work Challenge is a condensed, interactive, highly practical experience to provide you the theological knowledge and practical tools to view your everyday work in a new, gospel-infused light. Over the course of three virtual sessions, you will gain a new vision for how your everyday work fits into God’s larger redemptive purposes in the world.

We know time is a rare commodity in the city that never sleeps, so we are packing as much content as possible into three hour-long sessions for one hour each day for three consecutive days. We recently held a challenge in April 2021, but will offer another challenge very soon. Sign up to be notified. Plus, in an effort to welcome as many New Yorkers as possible, we’re making this challenge absolutely free. Sign up now!


Shift Your Mindset

We all tend to have preconceived notions about the meaning of work this side of eternity. But many of our beliefs are actually misconceptions which negatively affect the way we view work. In this session, we'll discuss the mindset shifts required to connect your everyday work to God's larger redemptive purposes.

Faith & Work Challenge
Faith & Work Challenge

Take Practical Steps

It's not enough to just "believe" the right things about our everyday work, we have to take practical steps toward living out our new vision for redemptive work. In this session, we'll present some very practical approaches to integrating your faith and work.


Overcome Defeaters

The work of integration isn't easy. We all face challenges in our workplace, our industries, and even within ourselves. The Fall has rendered all work arduous, and we labor as exiles in a broken world. In this final session, we'll discuss some of the most common defeaters when integrating your faith with your everyday work.

Faith & Work Challenge
take the plunge

Gain fresh vision for your work

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This challenge was designed specifically with busy New Yorkers in mind. We’ve condensed years of wisdom, teaching, and exercises into three 1-hour sessions which will be offered over three consecutive days.

Session One

Shift Your Mindset

1 hour

Session Two

Take Practical Steps

1 hour

Session Three

Overcome Defeaters

1 hour


The challenge is free!

To make the 3-Day Faith & Work Challenge as accessible as possible for everyone, we are offering it 100% free.

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The challenge is absolutely free!

Faith & Work 101 is a 2-hour commitment each week over the course of seven weeks. It’s a deeper dive into the foundational theology of faith and work with readings, breakout groups, and devotionals. The challenge is only a 1-hour commitment each day over the course of three consecutive days. It’s a much lower commitment for those who cannot do a seven week course. We pack as much content into the challenge as possible, so we hit the major content points with more emphasis on execution. If you’ve already completed Faith & Work 101, it’s time for Gotham, not the challenge.

To make participation as easy as possible, we will be meeting virtually.

The challenge is designed for New Yorkers living and working in the city. For programs and courses in your area, check out the Global Faith & Work Initiative:

We keep things simple for the challenge, so there will be no readings, but we’ll assign some basic tasks for you to complete before each session.

The challenge is designed be as short as humanly possible with only three short 1-hour sessions, and each day will build on the next. If you don’t think you can make all three, you may want to wait until the next one. However, recordings will be available if something comes up.

Yes! Invite your whole neighborhood. The more the merrier. If you know anyone who might benefit from taking this challenge, send them our way!

Whether you are currently employed or not, or even if you do unpaid labor, this challenge will inspire you with a gospel-centred theological vision for your work past, present, and future. 

We held our 3-Day Faith & Work Challenge over April 19-21. We hope to offer another one soon, so join our mailing list to be notified.