What Is Faith & Work 101?
This introductory 5-week cross-vocational course is designed to challenge you to take an in-depth look at your particular work through the lens of the gospel. We will focus on tracing the story of the Bible to gain insight into God’s intention for our work, weaving together weekly teachings, spiritual practices, daily devotionals, and group discussions.
Our next iteration of Faith & Work 101 will be in Spring 2025. The class will be on Monday nights from 7:00-9:00 pm March 3 – 31. In addition to our weekly sessions, you’ll receive readings and devotionals to complete during the week. We will meet in person, at the brand-new Redeemer East Side building (150 E 91st St). Registration is required, and the registration fee is $75 for congregants of Redeemer Churches and $100 for attendees of neighboring churches.

Curriculum Overview
The story of the Bible has profound implications for our daily work and lives. As we trace the story of the Bible we will zoom in on the theme of calling, exploring what it means to be called by God to participate in his work of renewing all things. Throughout the course of these five weeks, we hope to demystify this concept and deepen your understanding of everyday work so that you may develop a clearer sense of God’s calling for your life and vocation.
Class 1: March 3
Called by God
Exploring the creation narrative in Genesis 1, we’ll consider God's original call to cultivate the world.
Class 2: March 10
Calling Disrupted
After God called humans to cultivate the world, sin entered the scene, disrupting our relationships with God, the world, and our work.
Class 3: March 17
Calling Restored
Despite our fallen condition, Jesus took on human flesh to bring about God's plan for redemption and to restore our original calling.
Class 4: March 24
Called to Rest
Just as we've been called to work, God's followers have always been set apart as people who rest.
Class 5: March 31
Calling Fulfilled
Micah told of a future of peace and economic flourishing and in Revelation we see Jesus on the throne declaring that he is making all things new. How do we live now in light of these realities?
The holistic nature of the course, incorporating individual reading, didactic teaching, spiritual formation and fellowship over a meal was impressive/effective/fun!Faith & Work 101 Participant
I feel that I have a much greater understanding of God's intent for work as well as how we are to relate to it in this imperfect world. I also really appreciated the group discussions and hearing both from my table mates and the larger class their views, experiences and questions.Faith & Work 101 Participant
I had never connected my work to God's purposes so although very challenging, the class has helped provide a reframing of work and how I should be thinking of that and identity and purpose.Faith & Work 101 Participant
What to expect in this course...
We'll meet each week for a teaching session on a biblical passage related to work. We'll also have time for questions and discussions.
You will be given a 7-week devotional for the duration of the course. These include daily readings, reflections, prayers, practices, and actions all related to the weekly teaching.
You will be given readings for each week and access to an online learning platform where you can access notes, recordings, and readings.
You will join a breakout where you will discuss the week's lecture, readings, and devotionals. The online learning platform will also provide weekly interactions with other attendees.